Saturday, October 3, 2009

Dramatically Reduce Your Energy Costs

In today's economy many households and now businesses are searching for alternative ways to save money on their utility bills. Renewable energy sources surprisingly help reduce energy usage by utilizing Solar energy, which is available everywhere.

Solar panels convert the most abundant renewable energy sources around the world. Solar power has been utilized for years. The one that most of us use daily is a portable calculator. Some of the more recent products we see today are landscape lights, road construction warning signs, traffic monitoring devices and numbers on mail boxes.

Here's a few facts about energy usage in general... at least when it comes to the United States.
According to the Department of Energy, the average household expends the following percentages of its energy consumption.

  • 44% on Heating and Cooling
  • 30% for Lighting, Cooking and Appliances
  • 18% for Water Heating
  • 8% for Refrigerators

There is an immense misconception about Solar Power.
It will not work on cloudy days.
It only works in really sunny climates.

This just is NOT true. Solar panels are not as productive on cloudy days or in moderate sunny areas. The amount of power is reduced but they still produce electricity. The advantage is the excess power on sunny days can be sold to the utility provider or stored for later use, for example; cloudy days and at night.

Renewable energy sources are just an interest to alot of people, but the advantages by starting now are tremendous. Here are few examples:

  • Solar power is a green and renewable resource.
  • Solar power is non-polluting.
  • Solar power is cost effective.
  • Incentives from utility providers and government.
  • Increase your homes value.
  • Systems are expandable.

Solar power systems come in all different sizes, shapes and configurations. A commercial system to run your entire home, which is still quite expensive, presently. Purchase a do-it-yourself kit and experiment with it to see if it will do what you expected. Or build a system completely from scratch from parts available and a good guide to follow.

Obviously, there is still alot of controversy about how to conserve or even elininate our dependancy on non-renewable resources. It's about time we realize that WE have to take steps to continue to change our lives not just for ourselves but everyones future.

Russ Miles
